We are located at 501 Darby Creek Road, Suite 7, Lexington, KY 40509.
The “501 Darby Creek” address is the address for the whole business complex and you will see 501 on the side of the first building as you enter the parking lot complex. Our suite is not in this first building, but in the 2nd building to the right. Please look for the gold colored plaques on the door to locate suite 7.
501 Darby Creek Road, Suite 7, Lexington, Kentucky 40509, United States
Schedule a FREE 20 minute music therapy consultation or try out a music lesson before committing!
Contact us and we'd be happy to schedule a consultation.
If you're not able to attend our sessions in person, try virtual!
Wellness Creative
501 Darby Creek Rd Unit 7, Lexington, KY 40509, United States
*Receive a FREE music therapy consultation or 20% off your first music lesson.